A New Research Frontier
—Finding Solutions to Socioeconomic Problems
caused by Longevity and Ageing

What is Financial Gerontology ?

“Financial Gerontology” is a relatively new multidisciplinary subfield of gerontology and financial studies that examines the multiple processes of ageing by building on insights from economics, medical science, psychology, social science, public health, and public policy.
It investigates and tries to resolve the economic and financial challenges associated with longevity and ageing, which includes retirement planning, post-retirement financial activities, and portfolio selection.

About Our Research

“How do long life and ageing affect the economic system?” The Research Center of Financial Gerontology of Keio University carries out interdisciplinary and international investigations with experts in economics and other related fields. It also aims to propose solutions to the socioeconomic problems brought about by longevity and ageing.


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Research Activities

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Research Activities

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Research Findings